This time I return with a topic, that probably most of the people are using nowadays and mostly the teenagers, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat... If the social site is used correctly, this is going to be very useful and safe. But we have to use it very carefuly, for example anyone can take you your own photos from your profile or to think that the person that you are sharing your private photos is trustworthy, otherwise the person that is in the other site of the phone or the computer can manipulate you with those pictures. Not only that, people says where he is in every moment, for instance when somebody goes on holidays, he or she uploads an image of the place, so the thiefs inform that the family is not at home and they can steal their things. To prevent those causes:
- Put your account in private.
- Be sure that the person that you are chatting or sharing photos is trustworthy.
- To not upload photos saying your location.
- ...
But, like everything thing in the world, the social sites don't have only bad aspects, they also have good aspects, such as:
- You can see the results of the different types of matches: football ones, NBA ones, basketball ones...
- You can see the highlights of the matches, this is, the best plays of the match.
- You can see what your friends upload in the social site.
- You can participate in different raffles.
- ...
From my point of view, the social sites are good alternatives to the games, because you can enterntain by seeing photos, news, results. But as I say before, we have to be careful, wise we can finish in a very bad conditions, for example, manipulated by a psychopathic.
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