You don't know how to pass the time at Christmas???? Here I give you some of the things to do at holidays!
One of the best game to play in the console and if you considere the price and the quality important, this is the best option to choose it, "Fortnite". It is a free game which it consist to kill other players and the last player alive is the winner. It is a shooter game, but you have to use also the brain, otherwaise other players more clevers than you are going to kill you. Furthermore, you have to build different constraction to kill people more easily, for example if you build a very big and high tower, you will have more vision to see other players. Here I insert you a video, to see what the game is like:
One of the best game to play in the console and if you considere the price and the quality important, this is the best option to choose it, "Fortnite". It is a free game which it consist to kill other players and the last player alive is the winner. It is a shooter game, but you have to use also the brain, otherwaise other players more clevers than you are going to kill you. Furthermore, you have to build different constraction to kill people more easily, for example if you build a very big and high tower, you will have more vision to see other players. Here I insert you a video, to see what the game is like:
Moreover, there is another game that I love it, because it is a basketball game of the best league in the world. The name is "NBA 2k 18" and like the title says the game is of this season, so all the teams and equipments are new. You are not going to bored with this, because it has a lot of different modalitys to play, such as fast matches, my team, my career... Moreover this season the creators of the game have include more teams, but not normal teams where they players are the best players of all time, so those crews are very good ones, the best ones of all the game. Here I give you the trailer:
And finally, one of the best films to watch at Christmas is "Wonder", because it is about a boy that has a rare medical facial deformity, which he refers to as "mandibulofacial dysostosis" and Auggie (the name of the child) faights in all of his life to be like a normal person. This film it shows as the difficulties that has this child in his life and nowadays the film is in the cinema, so anyone who is interested in he or she can go to wacht it. Here I give you the trailer:
I hope it was useful this post, Merry Christmas!