Thursday, 22 February 2018

Etwinning project: what we are doing?


this time I return writing about a project that we are doing with the "Etwinning page". It is a page inspired to communicate with students of all of the world and to do cooperative works with people outside our country. The purpose of this project is to see the differences of the countries of all of the world and to improve in our level of English chatting with the others. We are 5 different countries in this project: Lithuania , Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and us; Basque Country.
Today, we had been exchanging information about the timetable that we have in our school and we realised that we were wrong, thinking that all of the world has a same timetable. For example we go to school 5 days out of 7 per week, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. However, in Lithuania they have a different school timetable: they go to school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays and in the rest of the days, Sunday and Wednesday, there are like the weekend for us. Furthermore, I love this project because we are doing friends of all of the world and we are knowing people from Lithuania. We speak a lot in a specify topic that is basketball, because in their country the basketball is the most popular sport, so we are exchanging information about the differences of the basketball, here and there.

I recomended this page "Etwinning" for teachers that they are looking a simple and a good project, because it is very easy to work on it and it has a lot of different thing to do.

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